
A website is the modern-day storefront, but in the digital realm. It is the main hub of your business, where you would promote your brand, sell a product or services, and everything in between. A lot goes into building a website, so lets get into it below.

Build Requirements



Lead time: 1-2 days

A website must have a reason for existing. Come prepared with a list of goals you want the website to achieve. Do you want to collect email addresses? Do you want to sell merchandise? Do you want contact form fills? Or is the website simply trying to promote your brand? Come prepared with goals and ideas beforehand and we’ll go from there.


Brand Story

Lead time: 1 week

Your brand may look great, but why does it exist and why should the audience care? If your brand story isn’t defined, we will go through the Storybrand framework process to identify the brand story you want your audience to be a part of. This step is crucial as it will shape how your website is communicated to the viewer.


Visual Identity

Lead time: 1 week

Your brand logo needs to be established prior to starting the web build. We prefer to have the brand logo delivered to us in vector format (EPS, AI, or SVG). If you are unable to locate and deliver the vector logo, we will accept a JPEG or PNG.

The typography for a website should follow the brand guide. Headers and paragraphs should be established before beginning the web build. This information should be included in the brand guide PDF.

Colors and various color schemes should also follow the brand guide. This information should be included in the brand guide PDF.

Images and other vector assets such as patterns or background textures should follow the brand guide. This information should be included in the brand guide PDF.



Lead time: 1-2 days

A wireframe of the website page structure should be established before the website build begins. The main navigation (high-level) and dropdown menus should all be listed. The website navigation is also where you could accomplish a goal from Step #1, such as listing a "Call Now" button in the menu.


Written Copy

Lead time: 1 week

Written copy for each page should be completed. It is important to distinguish the difference between headers and body copy here, and how the copy should be organized on each page. Establish what sections of copy relate to each other, what portions of copy can exist as a stand-alone paragraph, etc.



Lead time: 1-2 weeks

Once the above steps are completed, the flatart mockup design will begin. We will send you a link that will allow you review the website mockup before the official website build beings. This is a great time to offer feedback and final suggestions before the coding begins.



Lead time: 1-2 weeks

Depending on the size of your website (e.g. how many pages, how much written copy per page, etc.) it could take up to 2 weeks to build your website. The website will need to be optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. And any additional design tweaks, such as animations, could extend the final deadline. We will also need acess to GoDaddy account where the URL/domain was purchased.

Case study

The Spacestation Gaming website was a smashing success for a multitude of reasons. First, we updated the SSG brand to a more current version of their previous designs. This updated brand was then seamlessly implemented into the flatart mockup of the website that followed.

Then, we integrated the written copy throughout the flatart to capture the essence of SSG. Once we completed the flatart, we sent it to the project’s stakeholders (e.g., the top guys at SSG.) Of course, we at the creative crew didn’t get every single detail perfect the first time around — so we entered into the feedback phase. A few screenshares and design iterations later - walah! A beautiful new site!

From here, the website build began. This final phase is where the site comes to life on an actual domain. Animations are added, buttons link to the various pages, the site’s optimized for mobile, and whatever else it needs. Almost all feedback was complete by the time we reached this step, making pushing the site live a smooth experience.